問問lee d 句子既意思
I have been playing football since I was ten years old. (lee 句意思係米我由十歲開始踢足球,一直踢踢到宜家我動踢緊足球,將來好大機會繼續踢足球。) I have been a member of ABC group since 1980." (lee 句意思係米我由1980年開始係ABC group既會員,一直都係ABC group既會員直至宜家,宜家我係ABC group 既會員,將來好大機會繼續係ABC group 既會員。)
I have been playing football since I was ten years old. 是未有肯定將來是否會再踢足球,只是說由10歲開始踢足球,踢到現在的意思。 I have been a member of ABC group since 1980." 都無明確肯定將來仍會是ABC會員,只是說在1980年到現在仍是ABC的會員。
I have been playing football since I was ten years old. 這句意思我由十歲開始踢足球,一直踢踢到現在,我仍然踢緊足球,如無意外, 我將來好大機會繼續踢足球.. 是無可能肯定將來我踢不踢足球, 因為將來不知道會發生什麼事, 我講這句那個時刻, 我打算仍然繼續踢足球, 將來踢多久, 便不知道. Present perfect continuous tense 強調事件的持久性. 動作是否繼續落去, 視上下文而定. I have been a member of ABC group since 1980. 這句意思我由1980年開始係ABC group既會員,一直都係ABC group會員直至現在, 現在我係ABC group 會員,將來好大機會繼續係ABC會員. 至少我現在暫不會放棄會員. 用 Present perfect for a state up to the present, 不用 Present perfect continuous. 在這句 have been 是 linking verb (连缀動詞 - 沒有動作 (action) 的不及物動詞,它沒有受詞 Know the difference: Present perfect 1. completion 2. repeated action 3. permanent situation 4. focus on present result. Present perfect continuous 1 continuation 2. duration of action 3. temporary situation 4. focus on activity. She has played three times this season. (repeated action) She has been playing all season. (duration) People have eaten less meat over the last twenty years. (permanent) People have been eating less meat recently because of the crisis. (temporary) I have done the accounts – here they are. (completion; focus on the result) I have been doing my accounts all afternoon. (continuation; focus on the activity) 2013-02-05 09:58:37 補充: Present perfect 未必一定要動作完成