就下面這兩段,請翻譯得宜~不要拿google或雅虎的翻譯丟進去就回答!!翻的好的就選你是最佳解答喔 About 10 days beforethe raid, Mr. Obama reviewed the plans and pressed his commanders as to whetherthey were taking along enough forces to fight their way out if the Pakistanisarrived on the scene and tried to interfere with the operation. That resulted in... 顯示更多 就下面這兩段,請翻譯得宜~不要拿google或雅虎的翻譯丟進去就回答!! 翻的好的就選你是最佳解答喔 About 10 days beforethe raid, Mr. Obama reviewed the plans and pressed his commanders as to whetherthey were taking along enough forces to fight their way out if the Pakistanisarrived on the scene and tried to interfere with the operation. That resulted in thedecision to send two more helicopters carrying additional troops. Thesefollowed the two lead Black Hawk helicopters that carried the actual assaultteam. While there was no confrontation with the Pakistanis, one of those backuphelicopters was ultimately brought in to the scene of the raid when a BlackHawk was damaged while making a hard landing.
About 10 days beforethe raid, Mr. Obama reviewed the plans and pressed his commanders as to whetherthey were taking along enough forces to fight their way out if the Pakistanisarrived on the scene and tried to interfere with the operation. 約於突擊的10天前,Obama先生和他的指揮官重新審查行動方案並緊問他們是否有攜帶足夠的軍力,當巴基斯坦人到達現場並嘗試來干涉美方行動時能打出重圍. That resulted in thedecision to send two more helicopters carrying additional troops. Thesefollowed the two lead Black Hawk helicopters that carried the actual assaultteam. While there was no confrontation with the Pakistanis, one of those backuphelicopters was ultimately brought in to the scene of the raid when a BlackHawk was damaged while making a hard landing. 結果導致決定多派兩架直升機攜帶額外的部隊. 這些增額跟隨那兩架領軍乘載著實際執行任務突擊隊的黑鷹直升機之後. 當時並無與巴基斯坦人有對峙的情形,後備的直升機之一最後受命降落在突擊現場因為先行之一的黑鷹直升機在失控著陸時造成損傷. 希望有幫助
抱歉~謝謝你的批評,下次我會改進~|||||非常不欣賞版主番問的態度。|||||關於大約10天前的襲擊 奧巴馬和他的指揮官回顧了計劃 他們當時正在徵收足夠的部隊 考慮著他們的行動及出路 以及如果攻擊巴基斯坦時 專家工作小組在現場並試圖阻擾行動的話 他將決定派遣更多的直升機來運載兩個後補的部隊 攻擊行動開始之後 先派出兩架黑鷹直升機載運將實際行動的突擊隊員 雖然當時沒有巴基斯坦人進行反抗 但其中一架直升機最後將要趕到現場支援時,因損壞而被逼迫著陸。