而家先買中國既基金, 會唔會太遲 ???同比d建議
我想買寶源出既" 中國金磚四國" 或 " 中國優勢" ? 或有什麼好既建議 ? $20,000左右,一筆過比錢, 唔等住用既
我建議你買霸菱香港中國 or 首域中國,因為呢2支積效最好~~而寶源呢支唔算出色!不過俾你dd意見,最好用定期定額黎分散投資風險~一筆過唔見得有好處!!
At the moment, I think 中國優勢 is better. But if I were you I will wait a few first days first to see the trend of the market, for chinese stock is very volatile these two days.|||||以下全是個人觀點~ 中國既基金當然好啦~ 佢有個olympus係08年 點都唔會俾個市跌既 而且宏調之下依然有gdp10%增長 前景唔錯 不過要注意最近民主黨係美國中期選勝利 可能會抑制中國既入口呀>< 仲有就係有d中國基金會有台灣既成份 最近可能會有d波動|||||fund is a long to mid term investment tool. you can determine by yourself that 1) how long will you invest in this fund 2) Do you think the overall economy perform better than now within your investment period. My personal suggestion is China's economy will be better than now 10 years later.