I.S. question
Take two glasses of water at room temperature. Heat one glass of water up to let's say 80 degrees Celsius. Put both glasses in the freezer. Which glass of water will be frozen first (supposing the glass will not break of course)?A.The cold waterB.The hot waterC.Both glasses at the same timeD.The... 顯示更多 Take two glasses of water at room temperature. Heat one glass of water up to let's say 80 degrees Celsius. Put both glasses in the freezer. Which glass of water will be frozen first (supposing the glass will not break of course)? A.The cold water B.The hot water C.Both glasses at the same time D.The cold water, but the hot water will take ages to freeze
A more energy is needed for the hot water to cool to 0 degrees energy= mass x s.h.c x temp change same mass,s.h.c(same substance), higher temp chnge, higher the energy power =energy/time power is the same because they are put in same freezer so the higher the energy the longer the time for it to freeze (you will learn these heat equations in f3 physics) s.h.c=specific heat capacity it could be D it depends on how long you mean by "ages" 2007-10-20 15:26:37 補充: The question only ask for which glass of water will freeze FIRSTThe answer should be Abecause it is not necessay to mention the glass of hot water
You are a student in SCChan?The ans must be D!!!|||||D.The cold water, but the hot water will take ages to freeze|||||Ans:D 較冷的一杯需時較少...所以是D...